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4th Quarter Refresh - The Bathroom

Continuing on with the 4th Qtr Refresh Series, the Home Edition...this week we are focusing on the Bathroom. I think the bathroom gets a bad rap. Granted it deals with some of our most personal and intimate moments, it also doubles as a place of refuge and relaxation. So instead of focusing on how horrible the bathroom is I'm going to try and show you how this personal space in your home is one of the primary conduits for peace, focus and relaxation.

A quick disclosure. This post contains an affiliate discount link.

If you make a purchase using my link, I will receive a commission.

So, back to the bathroom. So the 4th quarter is a time for LOTS of self care, self reflection and introspection. It's the time I use to do personal and internal housekeeping. I spend a good bit of time working on me. Figuring out personal and professional goals and what the next few months will look like for my family. I try to be open to really understanding things that I maybe should have been working on and areas I've dropped the ball. Your probably thinking why don't I do this soul work all the time? Well I do. But it makes sense for me to get laser focused on this type of personal development during this part of the year, because this coincides with my professional development. If you follow these posts or my Instagram @livingliferatedpg , you'd know that professionally, the 4th quarter is the culmination of the performance review season. So for me, while I'm recapping the year to prepare for my performance review and to help others plan for their review, it would be impossible for me to miss the opportunities to do some personal work. So I know what you are thinking...WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE BATHROOM??

Where do most people (women mostly) go to have a moment of peace and quiet to collect their thoughts? THE BATHROOM of course! Whether is a long soak in the tub with a glass of wine close by, a good book, music in the background to drown out the sounds of whoever is on the other side of the door, or the longest, hottest shower imaginable. The bathroom is the secret hideout. It's the moms only club house, it's the quiet safe space in the house. It's the retreat away from everyone, to think, to breath, to scream. The bathroom knows you. The real you. The you without Spanxs, the braless you, the no makeup, no lashes, partial eyebrows you.

Because of that, the bathroom becomes important, if not a critical space in your home to support your alignment, peace of mind and growth. I know at first, it probably feels like a stretch. But think of all the moments you just needed a second to get yourself together? Think about when you're in the office and that one co-worker that needs to get told about themselves, but you don't. Instead you dip into the bathroom and "collect yourself" so you don't get fired!! Or when you have to visit the in laws and you are absolutely over the's the bathroom you duck into. The bathroom provides you with some privacy and the much needed "moment" to make sure you don't give out that one last nerve. This is why this space is connected to the 4th quarter alignment. Because it's therapeutic.

So, cleaning this space is a necessary part of your alignment because it supports your sanctity and ability to rest. There are a few products that I use in my bathroom...some are the natural non toxic and then there are the normal bleach based products. From a cleaning perspective, I've used both toxic vs.non toxic and the end result is similar. What I love about using non toxic products is the smell. I hate the harsh, overwhelming smell of bleach products and thus, I tend to use a lot of natural products in my home. I've added a FREE Holiday Bundle link to this blog from Grove Collaborative. I use them for my products and I have a monthly subscription. You don't have to use the link or shop with Grove. You can certainly find these products at your local big box store. The reason I love using this subscription service is for pure convenience. Hopefully you will find the service and convenience beneficial for you.

Now a few bathroom cleaning tips...

1. I keep a dish sponge in my shower. You know, the kind you can fill up with dish liquid on one end, and the scrubber sponge is on the other? Yep. I keep that in my shower. It makes it so easy to clean the shower right before you exit. If you're short on time, it makes it easy to come back and scrub down your shower or tub. All you need is that handy dish tool. It's already filled with your cleaner..BOOM!!

2. The other thing I keep in my shower is a window squeegee. It's a miracle to keep water spots off the glass door. I also spray my shower down with a no rinse daily shower spray by Method. Two scents, one is minty and the other is fruity...I don't have a preference.

3. For the toilets, I prefer some sort of disposable wipe. Method Disinfectant wipes does the trick (but I'm not opposed to Lysol or Clorox wipes because they don't have that harsh smell). A disposable wipe is easy for handles, toilet seats, wipe and toss. Don't forget about the toilet brush. An effective tool...and honestly the only way to clean the inside of the toilet. When I clean the toilet, I usually lay the brush under the seat and close the lid to let it drip-dry. This way, you don't get that slimy water build up in your brush holder. Inside the brush holder itself, I keep Oil of Murphy's soap (but you could use any floor cleaner). Something about the floor cleaner and the toilet brush is a perfect combination. It helps keep the inside of the toilet slick and thus easier to clean. Not to mention it smells really good.

4. Ok, last thing I'll cover is the vent and baseboards in the bathroom. Tie an old shirt or towel around your broom. Spray it with disinfectant or furniture polish. It helps get the excess dust from the vent grates and cleans your baseboards without destroying your back.

Cleaning the bathroom is not just about the tub, shower and toilet. It's the spots you can't see, or don't see immediately. For me, relaxation can't truly happen if I know my drawers are out of whack and the cabinets are hiding some of my deeper hoarding secrets. We'll get into that in Part 2 of the Bathroom Update.

I know it seems like a lot, but peace of mind, mental clarity, self care those things don't happen in clutter. Not for most anyways. During this 4th quarter refresh, it's important that you give the attention to the details. This series is all about making the time to take care of you. Doing so means you have to identify the excess, clear out the clutter and eliminate the things that no longer support you and where you're heading. This is what creating a space, a home, a life and career that you design looks like.

I'd love to hear if these tips have been helpful and if you're doing your own reset!!

See you in Part2!!...



*Disclaimer - The thoughts contained in these posts are my own. The advice and tips shared are based on my experience as a working professional. As a certified career and organizational coach, I do share this knowledge with my clients. I do not guarantee any particular results, as results and experiences will vary. Some of my blog content is for entertainment purposes only. Nothing in my blog is intended to be used to diagnose or treat any emotional, mental, or medical condition. For that, please see the appropriate professional. For additional information, please refer to the Terms of this site.

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